The Friends are looking forward to the next Best Used Book Sale. It will be held on Friday, April 5 (3:00-7:00 p.m.) and Saturday, April 6 (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.) on the parking lot at the Temporary Library, 350 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Featured will be a number of “Table Books;” new and nearly new fiction and non-fiction in great condition priced from $3.00-$15.00. We have a few vintage books available as well, including “The History of the Great War,” a pictorial of World War I; and “Lands and People,” a set about civilizations around the world. Also for sale is the complete set of the 2021 World Book Encyclopedia, and 2017 and 2018 Scott stamp catalogs for the stamp collector. We just received a large donation of beautiful jigsaw puzzles, many with 1,000 pieces.
Our ever-popular Bargain Books sell for only $1.00 each. Also look for our smaller paperbacks, 25 cents each or 5/$1.00. CDs and DVDs sell for only $1.00 each and audio books for $3.00. Our Children’s and Teen collection range from 25 cents-$5.00 each and this time we have a large collection of Spanish-language children’s books too.
Please be sure to come on SATURDAY as we will be having our $5.00 BAG SALE. Buy a large grocery bag for $5.00 and fill it with any of our Bargain Books. Thanks for supporting our local Library — all proceeds will be used for programs, services, and acquisitions of the Sierra Madre Public Library. Donations now may be made to the Friends bench outside the front of the Library.
See you at the Book Sale!