Due to the pandemic, the Wine & Cuisine Tasting Benefit will not be happening this year (or next?). The committee has been thinking “out of the box” for other ideas to help support the children’s programs, book purchases, and supplies needed at the Sierra Madre Public Library. They have found a great way for you to spend a fun evening in your own home – Drag Queen Bingo!!
The date is Saturday, December 5 and will be held live at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Coast Time – but wherever you live in the U.S. you can just Zoom in to join us! “Peachy” is our host for this 2-hour event. He will share jokes, sing songs, and host 3 games of Bingo. You can buy as many Bingo cards as you would like to help support our cause, they are $15 per card.
Once your receipt/information has been delivered to Peachy he will send you your Bingo cards via your email. You will only be able to see Peachy during the Bingo Zoom that evening. I hope you are able to join us for this fun event, thank you for supporting the Friends and the Library!