58th Annual Sierra Madre Art Fair Featured Artist

The Friends of the Sierra Madre Public Library are proud to announce that the Featured Artist for the 58th Annual Sierra Madre Art Fair is Suzanne Kustner.
Suzanne holds a BA degree in Education with a minor in Art from California State University, Los Angeles, and has taught enameling at Creative Arts Group in Sierra Madre since 1979. She also was an art consultant for the Duarte School District for 10 years.
She began her enameling career in 1970 and has taken classes and studied with many internationally known enamelists. Suzanne is a member of the National Enamelist Society and several regional guilds. She has won numerous awards for her work, including exhibiting in the prestigious National Silver Competition sponsored by the major silver companies in the United States. She participated in the celebrated 1993 ‘Year of the American Craftsman.’ Her enamels were displayed in the Fine Arts Building of the L.A. County Fair and she was chosen to be one of the demonstrating artists in the main hall.
Her enamels have been chosen to be included 5 times in the National Enameling Society’s biannual Juried Exhibitions.
Two of her enamels were included in the 2009 Lark Book ‘500 Enameled Objects’ and her gold beads were also included in the 2014 Lark Book ‘1000 Beads.’
Suzanne participates in several Art Festivals during the year – The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library’s Annual Sierra Madre Art Fair and Creative Arts Group Annual Art Festival.
Her work can presently be seen on display and for sale at: The Freehand Gallery in Los Angeles; the ACCI Gallery in Berkeley, CA., and The Jamison Gallery at Creative Arts Group in Sierra Madre, CA and she now has pieces in the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts and the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento.
Suzanne continues to teach enameling at Creative Arts Group.
This year’s Art Fair is being held in Memorial Park on Saturday, May 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be sure to stop by Suzanne’s booth (#9) to admire and purchase her inspiring creations.